Message from the Headmaster

‘Children at Bradford Grammar Junior School enjoy an engaging and stimulating curriculum, which allows them to develop into independent, creative and confident young people.’

Richard Ribeiro, Junior School Headmaster
Richard Ribeiro, Junior School Headmaster at Bradford Grammar School
Welcome to Bradford Grammar Junior School – also known as Clock House – a selective, independent, co-educational school.

While we currently take children from the ages of 6 to 11, we have exciting plans for a new development which will enable us to welcome pupils from Reception and Year 1 upwards from September 2024.

Children at Bradford Grammar Junior School enjoy an engaging and stimulating curriculum, which allows them to develop into independent, creative and confident young people.

While the academic side is important, we believe learning should be exciting and fun. This helps children to develop a lifelong love of learning. We have a forward-thinking approach to education. The world is rapidly changing and we believe it is important to develop skills and attributes children will need in the future e.g. creative thinking, collaborative working, digital literacy, growth mindset, etc.

We believe in the huge benefits of an outdoor education, which is why we are investing in our grounds to create further natural spaces for all our children to enjoy as part of our flourishing outdoor curriculum.

As well as our curriculum, our pupils benefit from a wide range of high quality extra-curricular clubs and activities. They have access to outstanding sports and arts facilities across the entire School site and receive teaching from specialist coaches in many subjects.

Once they join the BGS family, our pupils are nurtured and encouraged in their learning to make the very best of their abilities and interests. It’s wonderful to see each child thriving in their own unique way.

Why not find out more about us, including our exciting plans for our Early Years’ development, by contacting or come and visit us at one of our Open Events!

Find out what our parents think …

“We have been really impressed so far. Not just in the way things are so well organised and easy to follow for us parents, but in the way Clock House has had such a positive influence on him.”

“The buddy system was a really nice touch, she has made friends in her class very quickly.”

“Really friendly. All staff are welcoming and it feels like a real family.”

>> Read more quotes

“BGS feels like home.”

Florence, Year 5 pupil

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Make a booking to visit Bradford Grammar Junior School, or register and apply to provide an outstanding education for your child